To say that Uber is no stranger to innovation would perhaps be the understatement of a lifetime.
In recent years, the company that revolutionized ground transportation has also launched UberCHOPPER, UberBOAT, UberYACHT and, even UberBALLOON, bringing with every variation on its wildly successful platform, new levels of convenience and luxury to its global multitude of users. Now, in a bid to assist travelers in celebrating the winter holidays with the greatest of ease, Uber is debuting UberMOUNTAIN.

Just in time for one of the best ski seasons the region has seen in years, the introduction of UberMOUNTAIN will allow lucky snowbunnies to enjoy the French Alps via helicopter and snowmobile rides at the push of a button.

In order to take advantage of this over-the-moon fabulous feature, users will simply need to open the app, tap on the icon for UberMOUNTAIN and select the options they most desire. How easy is that?
Suddenly the trek to the Alps doesn’t seem so formidable at all now does it?
Here’s what you need to know.

The special in-app UberMOUNTAIN experience will be available for ten days (Feb 23 – Mar 4).
There will be three options:
- Helicopter connection between Lyon, Nice or Cannes to Val d’Isère and
- Panoramic flights from both ski stations above the Alps, ‘3 Valleys’ and Mont Blanc
- Snowmobile activity (free)
- Helicopter connection (500€ per person)
- Panoramic flights (138€ per person)
- Snowmobile activity (Free)